Q1-1 How can I download the spectral data?
Q1-3 When I access to the spectral image, "Forbidden image" is often shown. How can I avoid this?
Q1-4 How should I make citations for SDBS?
Q1-6 Can I use the spectra and /or compound information in commercially profitable publication?
Q1-7 Can you provide spectra as digital data?
Q1-8 Do you have chemical structure search?
Q3-1 What is the thickness of IR sample?
Q3-2 What do the numbers in the table mean?
Q3-3 Can you indicate the functional groups for corresponding peaks?
Q3-4 What do the vertical and horizontal axes mean?
Q5-1 I would like to bookmark spectra. Do you have URL for bookmarking?
Q6-1 Can I provide spectral data or chemical products to SDBS?
Q6-2 Do you sell chemical products?
Please download as follows:
(1) Right click on the spectral image and choose to copy it.
(2) Open applications software. (Word, Powerpoint, Excel .etc)
(3) Select "Edit" and "Paste Special" from the menu.
(4) In the "Paste Special" dialog, select "Device Independent Bitmap (DIB)" and click "OK".
A2. Please download as follows:
(1) Right click on the spectral image and choose to copy it.
(2) Open applications software. (Word, Powerpoint, Excel .etc)
(3) Select "Edit" and "Paste Special" from the menu.
(4) In the "Paste Special" dialog, select "Device Independent Bitmap (DIB)" and click "OK".
Please access to SDBS again for a while. If you still have trouble, contact us by the [contact] form.
Please put a reference in the bibliography in your paper as follows:
sdbs : https://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/Disclaimer.aspx (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,date of access)
Please download spectra freely, unless you use the spectral data for commercial and/or profit purposes.
Please put a reference in the bibliography in your paper as follows:
sdbs : https://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/Disclaimer.aspx (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,date of access)
Please contact us. See [Contact] for contact details.
We basically do not provide the spectral data in such format.
No, we don't have.
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If you still have trouble, contact us by email. See [Contact] for details.
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In addition, the screen vary according to browsers and their versions (Internet Explorer etc.) of PC you use.
If you still have trouble, contact us by email. See [Contact] for contact details.
From the volume and area of most liquid samples between two KBr disks, the typical thickness would be 150 micro meters. However, the sample thickness greatly depends on the degree of absorbance because we vary the thickness in order to achieve optimum transmittance.
For the KBr measurements, we first mix typical 1 to 2 mg sample in KBr powder and prepare a KBr disk of a 1 cm diameter and 0.8 mm thickness.
The table shows sets of transmittance at each wavenumber for significant IR peaks. For example, the combination "1195 5" means the transmittance is 5% at the wavenumber of 1195 cm-1.
We do not provide any assignment information for IR peaks in SDBS.
The vertical and horizontal axes are for transmittance in % and wavenumber, respectively.
Transmittance T is the ratio between the
intensity of incident light and that of
transmitted light I i.e.
Absorbance A is given as the common logarithm of T:
The wavenumber ν is the number of the waves of light in 1 cm. The number is the reciprocal of wavelength λ in cm:
We welcome your report. Please contact us (see [Contact] for contact details). Now, we are aware of these issues. (see Known Errors or Mistakes in SDBS)
We do not have open URL for spectra.
But we have URLs for compounds. Use the "URL for this compound" on the left-down frame. You can use this URL for bookmarking each compound.
We do not accept spectral data or chemical products from outside.
We do not sell chemical products.